LOC interns, Aubrey Moore, Isabelle Chao & Noah Wagner, were recently interviewed by Erika Craven of WTKR(3) to learn more about our work with the VB Schools Environmental Studies program.
Some of you have met Aubrey, Isabelle and Noah at LOC events where they are learning the "table" side of the "farm-to-table" club experience. The focus of the intern team is focused on the aquaculture side of the LOC operation.
For now, the work has been land based and has included operation of the tumbler and in building out standard gear and various configurations of that gear. We look forward to getting the interns out on the water to transition inventory into this gear so that they can start monitoring grow-out performance in comparison to traditional methods.
The objectives of this work is to test how these alternative aquaculture gear configurations improve handling, fouling, and product quality. The grant LOC recieved from the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance is dedicated to this investigative work and supporting the experiential learning of LOC's student interns who's findings will be important to determining alternative ways to practice aquaculture in a highly constrained mixed-use environment.